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National Alliance on Mental Illinois
National Association for Loss and Grief
National Children’s Advocacy Center
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Community Resources
Abuse and Trauma for Children and Youth
Darkness to Light This organization is working on preventing and educating individuals on child sexual abuse. Provides resources and information for parents and caregivers.
National Institute of Trauma and Loss in Children This organization provides information to parents that have children who experienced loss or trauma. This organization provides activities, crisis intervention, and information.
Prevent Child Abuse Illinois This organization is focused on preventing child abuse through education, public awareness, community outreach, public policy advocacy, and prevention programs.
Stop It Now This organization is focused on preventing child sexual abuse in Illinois through provided information and resources.
Children and Youth, General Resources
Teen Help This is a website organization offering information for youth on drug abuse, depression, teen parenting, alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy, teen challenges, ADD/ADHD, Teen suicide, Youth development, health, violence, disorders, stress and overall health.
Oak Park Township Youth Services Oak Park Township Youth Services supports programs and services that work for the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Services involve Intervention, FACE-IT, Scholarships, Job Readiness, Gang and Drug Task Force, and the T.I.M.E Program within Oak Park Community.
Family Resource Center on Disabilities This organization focuses on a range of topics that assist youth and their families with disabilities.
Best Buddies This organization is dedicated to establish in a global volunteer movement that integrates employment and leadership development for people with developmental disabilities.
Family Matters This organization works to support youth and their families through referrals, training, and disability information.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Al-Anon Family Group This organization focuses on support youth who have been exposed to alcohol abuse through groups.
Domestic Violence
Sarah's Inn Since its inception, Sarah’s Inn has embodied its mission to stand with women and their families to ensure freedom from domestic violence in every community. Services include: Legal Advocacy, Child and Teen Counseling, Family Counseling, Violence Prevention, and Education and Training servicing the West Side of Chicago and 22 West Suburban communities.
Eating Disorders
Renfrew Center This center is a residential program for youth and women struggling with eating disorders.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ)
Howard Brown Center This organization is located in Chicago and focuses on providing counseling, case management, and domestic violence support for the LGBTQ population.
Center on Halsted This organization focuses on assist youth between 13-24 year of age who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, question their sexual orientation, or who are straight allies in realizing their full potential. Their services include psychotherapy, support groups, legal services, HIV/STD prevention, vocational training programs, seminars, and leadership development programs.
Oak Park Lesbian and Gay Association (OPALGA) This organization provides programs and support for youth who identify as LGBTQ.
Mental Health
Mental Health America of Illinois (MHA) This organization is located in Chicago and provides consultation, suicide prevention, youth screen, and support.
Family Service and Mental Health Center of Cicero Family Service provides affordable mental health care for residents of the local community. Their services improve the emotional and psychological well-being of those they serve and help them to lead happier, healthier and more productive lives. Services include: Crisis Intervention, Therapy, Medication Management, and Home Visiting within the Cicero community.
RiverEdge Hospital Riveredge offers inpatient programs, outpatient programs, partial hospitalization programs, co-occurring programs, intellectual disability programs, older adult programs, and medication management groups.
Pillars Pillars is a not-for-profit social service organization that builds healthier communities by providing quality mental health services, social services and education for people of all ages. Services include: Mental Health Services, Children and Family Services, Addictions Services, Domestic and Sexual Violence Services, and Community Housing Initiatives within the Berwyn Community.
Thrive Counseling Center Thrive Counseling Center builds healthy minds, families and communities by empowering people to attain mental and emotional well-being. Services include: Counseling Services, Psychiatric Services, 24/7 Crises Services, Client Care Advocacy Services, Transitional Learning Center (TLC), Youth Services, and the TEAM Program servicing the Oak Park Community.
UCAN – Chicago This organization is focused on the healing process for those who have experience trauma through counseling, teen parenting, transitional living program, mentoring program, and workshops.
United Methodist Children’s Home (UMCH) This organization provide different programs for youth such as treatment programs, transitional living programs (17yrs-21yrs), quest school (grade 6-12), family support adolescent foster care, nurse family partnership (for young mothers), Counseling, autism resource room, and youth building skills.
Parent Resources
Parenting Teens This is a website full of resources for parents who are caring for adolescents.
Hephzibah Children's Association Hephzibah offers a number of programs in the Oak Park and River Forest communities to help children in need. Services includes: Residential, Foster Care, Day Care, and Family Services within the Oak Park and River Forest community.
CEDA Organization providing Children and Family Services, CSBG Programs, Education, Energy Efficiency Programs, Home Energy Assistance Programs, Health and Nutrition, Head Start, and Housing.
OPRF Food Pantry Located in the basement of first United Church of Oak Park providing food assistance to individuals that live in the following zip codes: 60130, 60131, 60171, 60176, 60301, 60302, 60304, 60305, 60402, 60644, 60651, 60707.
Prevail This organization provides Emergency Assistance and Referrals, Financial Literacy Programs, and Job Readiness Programs for individuals living in the following zip codes: 60130, 60131, 60171, 60176, 60301, 60302, 60304, 60305, 60402, 60644, 60651, and 60707.
Strengthening Families Acts as a parenting support program focusing on six different protective factors that keep families strong through workshops and resources.
United Methodist Children’s Home (UMCH) This organization provide different programs for youth such as treatment programs, transitional living programs (17yrs-21yrs), Quest School (grade 6-12), family support adolescent foster care, nurse family partnership (for young mothers), counseling, autism resource room, and youth building skills.
West Suburban Pads Emergency shelter, outreach and engagements, supportive services employment readiness and homeless prevention.
Contact 311 for information on other shelters and housing assistance.

Charts, Checklists and Schedules
Recommended Immunizations:
Birth - 6 Years
Vacunas Recomendadas:
desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años
Developmental Milestones Checklist (from CDC)
Community Resource Guides
Berwyn Chicago Cicero Des Plaines Forest Park Franklin Park Melrose Park North Riverside Oak Park River Forest Westchester